For infants under 7, baptisms are generally held every Sunday except for the 5th Sunday of the month after the 10:30am Mass. For those older than 7, they must go through RCIC/RCIA. Please contact Susie Bansuelo at 775-851-1874 for more information
Please contact DRE at 775-850-2535
Please contact Linda Walsh at 775-850-2544
Saturday from 4:00-4:45pm or by appointment. Please call the parish office at 851-1874 to schedule.
Please contact Susie Bansuelo at 775-851-1874.
Homebound Communion: Please contact Janet Kurvers, 415-746-0709 or
All weddings must be scheduled six months in advance. Contact Brizeida Hernandez at 775-850-2531 to begin marriage preparation and schedule your wedding.
Please contact Susie Bansuelo at 775-851-1874.
Please contact Ken Donajkowski at